Thursday, March 18, 2010

smallpox is a contagious viral disease caused

Smallpox Is a Contagious Viral Disease caused

mallpox is a unique infectious disease to humans, is caused by one of the two variants of the virus, variola major and variola minor. The disease is also known by the Latin name variola variola, which is derived from the Latin varius, meaning to see, or Varus, meaning "pimple". The term "smallpox" was first used in Europe in the 15th century to distinguish variola from the "great pox" mallpox gets its name from the blisters containing pus (or pocks) are formed during the illness. Although the name may sound the same, smallpox is not related to chicken pox, which is a mild disease caused by different viruses.

@ How does smallpox spread of this virus?
Smallpox is contagious. That means the virus can spread to others. Spread through the small dots of people affected by saliva (spit) when the person coughs, speaks, or sneezes, body contact and other 

@ How to diagnose the disease? 

If someone is exposed to smallpox, the doctor can recognize the disease because it causes a special type of rash. The rash appears as blisters on the skin filled with fluid and crust over. This may sound like chicken pox, but the blisters look different from the blisters that causes chickenpox. someone could get smallpox if a weak body conditions.
@ Vaccine for smallpox? 

A type of shot vaccine, can prevent infection with the virus that causes smallpox. Years ago, people were vaccinated against smallpox.
for you are not exposed to chicken pox so keep an eye on your stamina and avoid direct contact with smallpox patients ..




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